Personal Consultancy - counselling, therapy and coaching in one, for individuals and couples
What is Personal Consultancy?
Why go for either counselling or coaching when you can get both? Personal Consultancy is an integrative approach to one-to-one practice that combines counselling and psychotherapy with coaching. The process consists of four stages:
- At the Authentic Listening stage, you will have opportunities to express yourself and share whatever is on your mind. Most of the clients find this beneficial, but it is often not enough on its own.
- Rebalancing is about inner work: exploring and working on issues of your choice to achieve greater internal balance and harmony. Again, this is very important, but it does not necessarily lead to tangible, visible changes. This stage lays a good foundation for the house, but a foundation is not the house.
- The Generating stage is about making concrete changes and achieving your goals.
- We all know from experience, though, that sustaining a change is often a greater challenge than making it, so the final, Supporting stage is about making the change last. So, Personal Consultancy is perhaps best summarised as a shared journey.
To get more information or book a session with Dr Nash Popovic, please email